Phew Finally after 5 months of misery I finally done it,
The first episode is over!
It was once ment to be Sonic ESSU but my friend Shadowwalker,
an awsome animator told me to choose a better name.
I decided to change it because the first Sonic ESSU, the original was bashed by alot of fan of Sonic GX so I decided to make it again. So there you have it!
I was working with Flash CS6 my biggest mistake I ever made,
I should have use Macromedia like the rest of the good animators
around but I was stupid enuagh not to do it. My movie was crashed by the program several times I was going crazy and I made several backups to save it or I would have start it all over again.
I am kinda having trouble uploading it in newgrounds so I just give you the another link in Deviantart